Well Man Comprehensive Profile (Clinic Test)
The Well Man Comprehensive Test is a full body test for men that want to have a full body check and screening for any likely underlying conditions. It provides key information on your kidney, liver, heart & thyroid health and blood sugar; plus iron, calcium & testosterone hormone levels.
It also includes a full blood count and vitamin profile.
Book Well Man Clinic Test here.
Identifying conditions of this test
- Blood Cells
- Cholesterol
- Diabetes
- Gout
- Hormones
- Inflammation
- Iron Studies
- Kidney Function
- Liver Function
- Minerals
- Muscle & Bone Health
- Thyroid
- Vitamin
Blood Cells (1 Biomarkers)
A full blood count can be used to check your overall health and can detect a wide range of issues such as infection, anemia and leukemia. A full blood count will look at your red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Please note that full blood counts can only be done through an in-store appointment and cannot be run on finger prick samples.
Full Blood Count
Full Blood Count (FBC) provides information about the different cells in the blood, these include the red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Red blood cells contain haemoglobin which carries oxygen to the different tissues in the body whereas white blood cells control the immune system and protects the body from foreign invaders such as bacteria and viruses. FBC testing are used as a screening test for various disorders like anaemia and infections.